Crystal Meanings

Clear Quartz
Clear quartz crystal is known for having high vibrations. The stone can clear the mind, body and spirit of clutter and can help to align the bearer with the highest form of themselves so that they may reach their full potential.
It is a great healer in that it is capable of revitalising your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual planes. The stone acts as a cleanser for the soul and in turn, enhances psychic abilities, aids in concentration, and improves memory. All in all, the crystal brings the body back into balance by creating harmony amongst the chakras and aligning the spiritual body.
To make the most of your quartz, make sure that it is easily accessible at all times, as this is the best way to ensure they help you achieve your ultimate goals. You can wear the stone as a necklace, which will place the stone close to your head and heart – perfect for mental and emotional clarity. Alternatively, you can carry the quartz in your pocket or purse. This is ideal for when you’re facing a tough decision – reach for your quartz and let it enhance the clarity of the mind.
How clear quartz is made.
Magmatic quartz forms as a result of silica-rich magma solidification. Quartz crystallizes during the last stages of igneous rock formation. Also, quartz forms by precipitation from silica-rich hydrothermal solutions in veins and vugs. Quartz can form during extreme metamorphic conditions.
How long it takes for clear to form?
Quartz formation requires gradual and slow colling of magma or gradual precipitation from hydrothermal solution. It takes thousands of years for quartz crystals to form. Quick processes produce microcrystalline or massive semi-transparent quartz without any right form of crystals.

At a base level, Amethyst is renowned for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world. Those who keep Amethyst close will find that they feel comforted, grounded and soothed in a truly uplifting way. Because Amethyst centers the emotions, it can be a beautiful aide in recovery for those suffering from the overwhelming emotions that come with grief, loss and all shades of sadness. Thanks to its divine spirituality, it’s a great stone for reminding people not to fear the unknown.
Amethyst is a variety of quartz and its chemical makeup is composed of silicon dioxide. Quartz is formed in lava, specifically when gas bubbles become trapped, allowing crystals to form inside the cavities created by the bubbles. When the cavities are filled with a silica-rich liquid, crystals begin to form within volcanic rocks
Like other quartz, amethyst grows in or around extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks, metamorphosed rocks, hydrothermal veins, and hot springs. Once hot thermal water cools, it crystallizes and can form amethyst.
(It can takes millions of years to form the crystals) which I think is absolutely incredible!

Emotionally, Agate is a glorious gift for upping your self-confidence. For those who struggle with decision making or who tend to sit on the fence, Agate can encourage you to tap into your own deep well of intuition, to connect with your sense of knowledge, and to look inwards for the answers rather than to external forces. Agate stones are often crystals of strength and courage, they enhance our mental functions, they keep us sharp of mind and clear of heart, and they invite us to turn up the dial on our analytical abilities.
Agate is a grounding stone that brings emotional, physical, and intellectual balance, harmonizing yin and yang energies.
It aids in centering and stabilizing physical energy, heals inner anger, fosters love, and encourages the courage to start over.
How is Agate formed?
The formation of agates can take millions of years. The first step is for a crack or void to form in a rock. This can happen when the rock is heated or cooled unevenly, or when it is subjected to stress. Once a crack or void has formed, silica-rich groundwater can seep in. The silica in the water comes from the rock itself, or from other sources such as volcanic ash or hydrothermal vents.
As the silica-rich groundwater flows through the crack or void, it slowly deposits layers of silica on the walls. The rate at which the silica is deposited depends on a number of factors, including the temperature and acidity of the water, the amount of silica in the water, and the surface area of the walls of the crack or void.
The banding that is characteristic of agates is caused by the alternating deposition of layers of silica with different colors. The layers are deposited in thin bands because the silica is deposited in a very slow, continuous process

Amazonite, often referred to as the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, empowers one to search the self and discover one’s own truths and integrity, and to move beyond fear of judgment or confrontation.
The healing properties of Amazonite are known to benefit the throat, thyroid, and nerve pathways, aiding in cell regeneration and healing after trauma or injury.
As a protective stone, Amazonite helps to balance the emotions and gives physical stamina, while its energy filtering capability shields against electromagnetic pollution.

Blue Calcite
Blue Calcite has a very calming effect on the emotional body and helps us to see reality clearly. For empaths, Blue Calcite can help us differentiate between our own thoughts and emotions, as opposed to other people’s vibrations. This clarity helps us to accept what is, better regulate our emotional reactions, and seize opportunities to create positive and lasting change.
Blue Calcite is particularly helpful for anyone who tends towards a fatalistic outlook or victim mentality. It gently shakes us out of our emotional lethargy and/or anxiety and reminds us that while we can’t control other people, we do get to control our response to the world around us. Blue Calcite is a wonderful stone for communication, especially for tense situations that need careful management. Blue Calcite gives us confidence and hope that everything will work out for the best.

Blue Apatite
Blue Apatite is a powerful crystal with many spiritual uses and healing properties. An excellent energetic balancer, Blue Apatite is also known as the stone of manifestation. It encourages us to pursue our goals and move towards our desired life circumstances. But it is also great for getting in touch with our own inner wisdom and intuition; and can be extra beneficial for those searching for deeper meaning and purpose in life. Meditating with Blue Apatite can help connect you with your spirit guides and higher self.
Psychologically, Apatite increases motivation. It draws off negativity about oneself and others. It is helpful for hyperactivity and autism in children. Apatite enhances creativity and the intellect. It clears confusion and frustration, reducing irritability and awakening the inner self. Apatite expands knowledge and truth and eases sorrow, apathy, and anger.
Physically, Apatite aids in the absorption of calcium, helping cartilage, bones and teeth; healing bones and encouraging the formation of new cells. It improves arthritis and joint problems. Apatite can successfully help in suppressing hunger and raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating. It heals the glands, meridians, organs and overcomes hypertension.

Blue Celestite
Take a deep breath and relax, Celestite is on your side. This crystal is all about compelling you to find your inner balance and perfect sense of peace. For those who constantly feel on edge or in a state of overwhelm, Celestite quietens the storms raging within. It doesn’t do this with a positive whitewash but instead invites you to process your feelings piece by piece, to sit in stillness, understand your higher purpose, and let your inner strength and infinite wisdom outweigh the shadowy places of fear.
Celestite’s high-vibrational frequency radiates in all directions, emitting a soft, positive energy that may be used to cleanse the surrounding environment or heal one’s aura. It is beneficial for calming fears or stilling a chaotic mind, and provides clear focus and a smooth transition in meditation. Celestite is highly conducive for dream recall and out of body travel, and stimulates intuitive abilities, especially in clairvoyant and clairaudient endeavors. It is a beautiful crystal that promotes purity of heart, hope, and good fortune.
Celestite is particularly cleansing to the auric field and body systems by stimulating cellular order and eliminating toxins caused by stress and chronic tension. Its soothing influence transmutes pain and calms mental distress. It is believed useful in treating disorders of the eyes, ears, and throat, and to aid in digestive disorders, especially those made worse by stress. As a sulfate, Celestite may also assist in clearing infections, including those of the skin, reducing fever, and protecting against intestinal parasites. It is an excellent stimulant stone for long-term courses of treatment.

Black Moonstone
Black Moonstone evokes the Goddess and the energy of the Dark Moon, a time for personal reflection, spiritual mystery, and deep psychic power. Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings, and the black ones invite us to explore our shadow side and the darker aspects of our life and psyche. Black Moonstone encourages us to sit with ourselves in non-judgement and accept “what is,” whether that be in the past or present, while simultaneously showing us the way forward, out of Darkness and into the Light.
Black Moonstone is a stone of wild inspiration and intuitive knowing. It encourages us to trust that everything is working out according to a higher Divine plan. Yet, it also empowers us to take charge of our own lives and to be responsible for creating a life we can be proud of.

Black Obsidian
Dark and dreamy, the volcanic glass rock of Obsidian is a sword against negative energy and a powerful anchor for keeping you grounded in this good life.
Protective and perfectly poised to help you heal deeply, the Obsidian Stone is best known for keeping you in the clear when it comes to negative emotions and negative energy.
Obsidian is truth-enhancing. A strongly protective stone, it forms a shield against negativity. It blocks psychic attack and absorbs negative energies from the environment. Obsidian draws out mental stress and tension. It stimulates growth on all levels, urging exploration of the unknown and opening new horizons. Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion.
Obsidian is volcanic glass that forms naturally. It comes from the rapid cooling of felsic lava. Obsidian is naturally black in color and has a glassy texture and a vitreous luster. There are several shades of Obsidian including rainbow, snowflake, gold, and mahogany. Obsidian is hard and brittle and was commonly used for tools.

Black Tourmaline
Perhaps the most famed benefit of the Black Tourmaline stone has to be its mighty protective properties. This is a stone so well versed at keeping you in the clear from toxic energies, that you can step out without a worry. Whether dealing with a dose of negativity from another person, or blocking EMF’s and worrying environmental factors, wearing Black Tourmaline is akin to always carrying a shield which cannot help but add a swagger of positive energy every time you step out.
Black Tourmaline is deeply connected to the base chakras, those earthly roots that help you to feel safe and secure in your place upon this earth. When your root chakras are beautifully balanced and in check, this grants you that deep-seated self-confidence to embrace who you are, speak your truth, and set upon your own path to spiritual healing. And Black Tourmaline can pave the way
Black Tourmaline stimulates the reflex points associated with the lower back, legs, ankles, and feet, and may be used to realign the spinal column. It provides pain relief and assists with strained or torn muscles, numbness, arthritis, and scar tissue.
Black Tourmaline defends against debilitating disease and strengthens the immune system, heart, and adrenal glands. It also is beneficial in treating the bowels, constipation, IBS, and diseases of the colon, as well as ridding the body of heavy metal toxins and environmental pollutants.

Banded Calcite
banded Calcite, also known as “Banded Calcite Onyx,” has the power to amplify and cleanse energy. Banded Calcite diminishes negative energy, and brings positive energy to our lives. Calcite is an energizer that can combat fatigue. This crystal also encourages you to take action and turn ideas into reality by reducing the fear of failure. It boosts motivation and inspiration, especially when hope seems lost. In addition, Calcite also enhances the capacity to learn quickly, making it ideal for those looking to obtain new skills and knowledge. Banned calcite clears blockages and aids the removal of negative energy from the body and environment, assisting with the elimination of sluggish energy.

Calcite, available in various shades, is a carbonate mineral known for its energy-amplifying properties and is symbolically recognized for strength of spirit and energy.
This crystal, especially in its orange variant, is known to radiate positivity, amplify energy, and protect the user from negativity, while also fostering emotional intelligence and mental clarity.
Calcite can be utilized in various forms like jewelry and tumbled stones, and it can be placed in homes or offices to enhance communication and harmony, or used in meditation to connect with higher spiritual planes.
Calcite can come in a beautiful range of colors, from clear ice to citrus bright orange. Each brings its own radiant energy but all Calcite is here to encourage creative expression, wash away negativity, and to nurture emotional healing so you can lead the life you were born to live.
Calcite is a common yet complex crystal. It is a carbonate mineral that comes in a range of different shades. Calcite can be clear or white, it can also be brown, red, orange, blue, green, and yellow (among other colors). Calcite means strength of spirit and energy.
For those who need a few more flames in their fire, Carnelian is always keen to bring out your power. The Carnelian crystal is all about gifting a glut of vitality to those who are feeling a little lost and sluggish. This bright burst of energy will get you back on your feet and feeling the drive to go forth and conquer, especially when it comes to creative projects. It isn’t called The Artist’s Stone for no reason, Carnelian invites you to write, paint, dance and sing and it does so, by stimulating warmth and heat, loosening the limbs, letting energy flow, and encouraging you to embrace your inner child and say a sweet yes to spontaneity.
Like many orange healing stones, Carnelian is connected to the three lower chakras. The Root Chakra is the foundation of all our chakras, it's where our safety sits and keeps us grounded to the world that holds us. If the Root Chakra is blocked, it may feel like you are totally off balance and that you live life constantly feeling on edge and in a place of insecurity. When this chakra is in flow you know you can take emotional risks in life because the center will always hold.
Like all fire stones, Carnelian infuses the body with life and light calling on the powers of physical energy. It’s all about stimulating the muscles, helping oxygen to find its free flow, and keeping your tissues and organs flushed with the finest health.
Those who suffer from lower back problems or rheumatism will also find Carnelian properties a kiss of relief. The warm vibrations seep through, bringing healing to bones and ligaments and helping you to feel loose and limber rather than stiff and cold.

It comes as no surprise that the bright and sunny mood of Citrine is all centered around good vibrations, excitations, and not letting go of that personal power. If you ever feel like you have lost your grip, Citrine is here to remind you to simply take it back with a smile. It helps you to crack open your mind, to release those tense feelings of negativity and anger, and to take deep cleansing breaths that help you to overcome muddled feelings of confusion, depression, and destructive tendencies. Citrine teaches you to put down the weight of all those things that no longer make you feel soaked in sunlight inside. Citrine can help you to fight phobias through the gentle flow of healing energy and knowing that no matter what, you are able to take accountability for your own safety and that you simply will not fail.
Just like standing in the gentle glow of sunlight, Citrine works wonders when it comes to warming the physical body and bringing uplifting moods. If Vitamin D were a stone it would be Citrine for sure. Bringing Citrine into your life means that you can say farewell to sluggish vibes. An instant pick me up, Citrine brings a bounty of energy and can be an amazing gift to those who suffer from chronic fatigue or other conditions that run your personal resources low

Chocolate Catcite
Chocolate Calcite has a highly grounding and stabilising energy that brings a sense of inner balance and expanded awareness. It may also create a sense of emotional stability by reminding you that whatever you are feeling will pass, empowering and encouraging you to use all of your energies constructively.
Chocolate Calcite opens you to opportunities of personal growth. This stone encourages you to follow your heart’s desires. Chocolate Calcite helps to take you to your happy place, and connects you to old positive memories. It can give you a hopeful and meaningful outlook on life. Chocolate Calcite connects to your Root Chakra. It grounds you to the Earth and provides you with warm and soothing energy. Chocolate Calcite is a stone of abundance and increases your awareness of your potential prosperity. It encourages creativity and happiness.

Elestial Quartz
Elestial Quartz acts as a window into the spiritual world, linking our conscious body and spiritual mind to the universe. This stone acts as a hyperspeed portal, quickly opening your third eye to a higher dimension.
Elestial Quartz crystals are like Mother Earth’s computer chips. They are complex record keepers which can impart sacred knowledge and guidance to the receiver. These Skeletal Quartz crystals grew under volatile circumstances, layer by layer, often encompassing bits of clay, water and other minerals within their structure. They are an embodiment of nature’s ability to create perfection out of chaos and surmount the challenges of a changing environment. Utilize these crystals to overcome your own personal obstacles and traverse a path to clarity. Access the timeless ancient knowledge and mysteries of our planet as you gaze into the complex world of these wondrous natural gems.
Many crystal healers have claimed Elestial Quartz can help to access memories and experiences from other lives in order to accelerate the process of evolution in this one. These crystals give a sense of wonder and hope which can assist in driving out negative patterns that no longer serve us. They are an excellent tool for tapping into the timeless state of being that prevails in nature when the ever-changing modern world overwhelms us with feelings of chaos

Selenite provides for clarity of the mind, expanding ones awareness of the self and of ones surroundings. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras and accesses angelic consciousness and higher guidance. It can be used to access past lives as well as future lives. Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. It assists judgement and insight. It clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture.
Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It corrects deformities of the skeletal system and can stabilise epileptic disorders. It is used to improve disorders associated with metal poisoning due to teeth fillings and can reverse the effects of "free radicals" in the cell structure. Effects that can be overcome include cancer, tumours, age spots, wrinkles and light sensitivity.

Spring clean your soul and clear out the junk from your mind with the fabulous healing properties of Fluorite. This stone is one of the worlds favorite aura cleansers and loves to clear out those smoky uncertainties so you can make decisions based on truth and clarity. For those who struggle with direction, who tend to hold themselves tethered by worry, and who need a little help in the self-love and confidence department, Fluorite brings fabulous healing properties to your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Along with clarity for the mind, Fluorite also loves bringing purity and clean health to the body. It’s a great stone for those who are wanting to detox as its energy is all about flushing out toxic thoughts, patterns, and behaviors including addictive issues too. Thanks to all its endless clean energy, Fluorite is also known as a great antiviral stone. When turned to at the beginning of viral symptoms, it can be used to help flush the body of infection before things take a turn.

The healing properties of Howlite are truly remarkable. This bone-colored stone is able to absorb bad vibes and negative energy in the environment around us, making it an ideal choice for those wanting to keep their living space peaceful and stress-free. Not only does it help counteract levels of stress, but its powerful healing vibrations can also be used to balance out our chakras and stimulate artistic energy.
It is also believed to provide its wearer with calm energy. This absorber of stress can bring an understanding of how we are affected by external influences, therefore, aiding personal growth.
Howlite may be a highly emotional stone but that doesn’t mean that it cuts corners when it comes to overall health and wellbeing. In the physical sense, Howlite with its bone white coloring can lend a hand when it comes to helping balance calcium levels in the body. With Howlite on hand you can strengthen the skeleton, grow luscious shiny hair, and let your pearly white teeth gleam. Along with radiant health, Howlite can also serve as a signal to the body that it needs more water to thrive. Whether sipping herbal tea or soaking in a detox bath, this is a stone that calls to the water element.

Hematite is brimming with healing properties. It’s like throwing a protective cloak over your shoulder, grabbing your shield and sword, and stepping out the door. This stone brings a deep heartfelt confidence thanks to its ability to stop toxic emotions in their tracks. It’s connected to the root chakra, which is the foundation of our stability in this world, and it keeps us clear-minded and sassy with self-care every single day.
With a rich past and a high iron content that has long kept Hematite connected to the blood, it comes as no surprise that Hematite is considered to be one of the best stones for amping up healthy circulation in the body. If you have high blood pressure, clots, heavy periods, or any kind of health issue connected with blood flow, this is a stone you need in your life. Hematite keeps your tissue in tip-top shape, it makes sure you can properly absorb all your nutrients, and it detoxifies the body (along with the mind and soul)

Ocean Jasper
Ocean Jasper has been used as a tool to promote spiritual healing and growth. It is believed to be a stone of gentleness and relaxation, helping to soothe and calm frayed nerves. Furthermore, this stone is believed to provide an increased sense of connection with the spiritual realm, allowing the user to more easily access spiritual guidance.
Physically, Ocean Jasper is said to help with physical ailments such as digestive issues, heart palpitations, and hormonal imbalances. It is thought that the stone helps to balance the physical body and its energies, allowing it to heal any physical ailments.
It is said to act as a protective shield for the body, helping to protect it from environmental toxins and helping increase energy levels, and aiding in physical recovery from illnesses.

Polychrome Jasper
Polychrome Jasper is associated with the element of fire, which is a reminder of the power of change and the need to stay flexible in the face of adversity. Not only that but the vibrant colors of this stone are believed to symbolize the power of transformation, helping one to embrace change and find joy in the journey. It serves as a reminder to stay positive and trust the process of change.
Polychrome Jasper is an emotional powerhouse, encouraging recovery after loss or trauma and instilling joy, enthusiasm, and determination to pursue one’s true destiny. It helps to combat feelings of doubt and fear and can be used to find strength in the face of adversity. It can be used in meditation to achieve joy and reinvigorate passions.
One can use Polychrome Jasper’s potent vibrational energy to transform your physical body, aiding in tissue health, digestion, and detoxification. Polychrome Jasper is also believed to improve the health of your skin, increase physical stamina, and alleviate common allergy symptoms.

Kyanite is one of the most calming healing crystals you could wish for. For those who find their nerves feel ever frayed or who are prone to quick bursts of anger or anxiety, this is the stone you need to soothe hot heads and piece feelings of chaos back together again. Kyanite can be a great stone for softening communication and growing compassion. For those who need a little nurturing when it comes to vocally connecting with those close by, this stone will give you the intuitive knowledge, the lyrical flow, and the lilt of understanding to own your self-expression.
When it comes to the physical body, Kyanite has got your number. It’s an amazing natural pain reliever, ever ready to lend a hand with everything from helping to lower blood pressure to sorting inflammation and helping the body fend off all manner of infections. For those who have been forced to deal with some sort of physical trauma in their life, Kyanite can be a stone that beautifully assists recovery. It helps the brain to heal by sharpening the mind. It helps the neural pathways to form, and as it also helps with encouraging good solid sleep and healthy eating patterns, it gets your basic health in tip-top shape for physical body healing.

Pyrite is all about keeping you strong and stable and ever free from the shackles of control. It seems to have an intuitive quality that works to keep you out of harm’s way – both spiritually and emotionally. It is also a stone that inspires creativity and brings a dash of added sparkle. It encourages strength and leadership qualities, inviting you to step up to your own potential because your willpower and well-being are ever in check.
When it comes to physical healing, Pyrite is all about building up your strength and stamina. Remember, it’s a healing stone that leans on its masculine energy. Because of its love of protection, Pyrite is an incredible stone for cutting down on environmental pollution and the effects of this on the body. It’s said to be a useful tool in fighting viral infections, reducing fevers, and strengthening the immune system along with the respiratory system. Pyrite is said to improve lung health and can even be useful for those who suffer from asthma and other breath related ailments.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo.

Pink Amethyst
ith many of the same properties as its popular purple counterpart, Pink Amethyst has an added layer of soothing, self-love promoting energy.
Also called Rose Amethyst, this high-vibrational stone helps us release negativity and reminds us to be gentle with ourselves. If you are drawn to these beauties, it may be a sign from the Universe that it is time to block off some self-care time on your calendar, sit back, and relax

Spring clean your soul and clear out the junk from your mind with the fabulous healing properties of Fluorite. This stone is one of the worlds favorite aura cleansers and loves to clear out those smoky uncertainties so you can make decisions based on truth and clarity. For those who struggle with direction, who tend to hold themselves tethered by worry, and who need a little help in the self-love and confidence department, Fluorite brings fabulous healing properties to your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Along with clarity for the mind, Fluorite also loves bringing purity and clean health to the body. It’s a great stone for those who are wanting to detox as its energy is all about flushing out toxic thoughts, patterns, and behaviors including addictive issues too. Thanks to all its endless clean energy, Fluorite is also known as a great antiviral stone. When turned to at the beginning of viral symptoms, it can be used to help flush the body of infection before things take a turn.

Golden Healer
Considered a multi-purpose crystal, Golden Healer is a master healer that possesses the amplifying properties of Clear Quartz and the manifestation abilities of Hematite. Like Clear Quartz, Golden Healer Quartz is able to be programmed with a specific intention. It’s extremely high vibrations work in a gentle way to raise your own vibrations and to amplify the intentions set. It is able to heal wounds from both this life as well as all past lives and brings all of the experiences and lessons into one place of peace and clarity. Meditating with Golden Healer Quartz helps one to go back into their lineage and to make clearer what emotions or experiences must be brought to light in order to begin the healing process.
Golden Healer resonates with all chakras. It activates and balances the Solar Plexus, Crown and Root Chakras. When connecting with the Solar Plexus Chakra, it stimulates one’s inner strength and lends confidence to creativity. It allows the golden light of Universal Love to flow into the physical body, through the Crown Chakra, spreading its golden light throughout the body, removing stagnant energies and imbalances.

Rutile Quartz
Rutilated Quartz is a beloved gemstone with powerful crystal healing. It has the capacity to bring ethereal energy into one’s being, connecting them to their higher self and spiritual guidance. Rutilated Quartz helps to open up the solar plexus chakra, allowing for clear communication between all of one’s chakra centers.
This gemstone can help to facilitate clarity when grading complex life events. Its presence creates an energetic vibration that brings insight and wisdom during times of chaos or confusion in order for one to make decisions effectively. Rutilated Quartz also helps those who are feeling low on energy by providing motivation and strength from within.

Garden Quartz
Garden Quartz, or Lodolite, is a cosmic consciousness crystal which consists of pure Clear Quartz with rich inclusions of various minerals inside. The minerals inside can consist of Feldspar, Chlorite, Hematite and much more. Sometimes Garden Quartz will surprise you with rare crystals inside. Looking deeply into a Garden Quartz will provide deep relaxation and awe, as the appearance can resemble earth, beautiful landscapes or even other planets.
Garden Quartz is a crystal of great meditation and manifestation. It is the go-to crystal for those who seek a better spiritual insight. Deep karmic healing related to past lives comes much more naturally with the help of this unique crystal. It can connect to the energies of the spiritual realm, channeling energy that facilitates deep states of pure light consciousness.
Garden Quartz assists in deeper meditational states, healing and soothing not only you but the people that you intend on helping. It brings a very supportive energy that facilitates acceptance of change during crisis. It can help over-achievers, judgement and anything holding one back from growth. Garden Quartz also assists in pure communication, especially in a business setting - making your desires and intention flow more easil
Garden Quartz boosts all-body healing as it taps into whatever intention is focused on through spiritual awareness. It helps balance the emotional, spiritual and physical bodies so that healing can take place more easily. Garden Quartz enhances faster physical transformation when dealing with ascension and awakening symptoms. It heals the energetic light-subtle body.

While much of Rhodonites power is attributed to its beautiful emotional and spiritual properties, that doesn’t mean it falls short when it comes to bringing a breath of fresh healing air to your body too. The Rhodonite crystal is softly invigorating and gifts you a strength you never knew you had.
For those who feel their energy is drained (particularly after a strong emotional spell or after a bout of trauma) then Rhodonite’s soothing vibrations are enough to bring you back to life. Of course, it connects with the heart and circulatory system, keeping your ticker beating bright. The rose stone also sends energy to the endocrine system along with curing stomach ulcers, aiding digestion and helping with autoimmune diseases. It also helps the body heal from scarring and can take the sting out of insect bites.

Smoky Quartz
For those who feel like they are constantly living life under a storm cloud, Smoky Quartz is here to stop your good vibes getting drowned out. It turns those desperate downpours into cleansing rains and invites the light of the moon to infuse your being with bright energy and intuitive knowledge that you are safe and sound. By clearing out those old patterns and feelings of toxicity, Smoky Quartz does a deep clean on your healing and makes sure that positive frequencies have space to hum and thrive. It’s a glorious stone for personal growth as it wants you to thrive. Smoky Quartz can be a special tool for overcoming fears that keep you in place and for encouraging you to ditch situations that aren’t serving your higher purpose. If you have been feeling displaced in the world, Smoky Quartz can be a great healing device for getting you to reconnect to the physical and the spiritual places you inhabit.
As one of the worlds great absorbers, Smoky Quartz is a great tool to have close by to soak up all that EMF smog. If you are someone who is sensitive to the effects of electromagnetic smog, then fear not – your Smoky Quartz crystal is here to mop it all up and leave you protected and clear from tip to toe. It also works by blocking geopathic stress. Smoky Quartz is a long deep tonic for your nerves, it settles flittering thoughts that lead to anxiety and instead invites you to sit in calm contemplation and without fear. We all know that fear and anxiety has a direct impact on the body, and Smoky Quartz ensures that those tension headaches are no more and that your sleep is soft and rich and gives your physical cells time to heal. As mentioned, Smoky Quartz is also a great stone for those undergoing a detox. It helps the body to absorb what it needs and works in harmony to flush out whatever isn’t serving you

Sodalite is linked to the throat chakra, but it also has connections with the heart and the third eye chakra. It’s a highly spiritual stone that invites the wearer to strengthen their connections so they feel the grounding force of the earth beneath their feet, even when turning their eyes to look higher into the heavens above.
With its calming energy, sodalite reduces inflammation in the body, relieving inflammatory conditions such as headaches and muscle strain. This stone also helps reduce acid in your system to balance the pH in your body. This is a good stone for inventors, students, teachers, athletes, physical therapists and meditation practitioners.
Sodalite can be used to help support the regulation of blood pressure and eases water retention.

Moss Agate
f your moods seem to be forever working like a pendulum, Moss Agate could be just the stone for you. This beautifully balancing stone is always aiming to keep you feeling soft and stable and completely secure, no matter how much chaos the world around you is churning up. For those people who just seem to be forever at the heart of emotional drama or riding the highs and lows of manic mood swings, Moss Agate is here to soothe your soul. One of the best Moss Agate healing properties is its uncanny ability to lift you up and let you linger in the glow of golden self-esteem. Its green crystal healing goes to work on balancing energies, whether you tend to be overly nurturing to the point of becoming a people pleaser or if you go the opposite way and struggle with feelings of raw aggression
Moss Agate, often referred to as the "Stone of Mother Gaia," is celebrated as a lucky amulet, with its green hues evoking feelings of being close to nature and its ability to uplift and soothe.
Moss Agate offers physical healing by boosting the immune system, providing anti-inflammatory properties, and promoting a healthy digestive system, while emotionally, it balances moods, enhances self-esteem, and fosters emotional stability.

A guardian of the heart, a healer of broken bones and blood pressure, and a protector from the toxic flow of negative energy – Malachite is a busy stone. Green color gemstones always seem to have super strength powers and love connecting to the heart chakra. Malachite is no exception, and with its energetic properties, it does an amazing job in encouraging you to let go of old traumas and patterns and to step outside your comfort zone. Let’s take a look at all the ways Malachite can work its magic to balance your body, mind, and soul…
A favored tool of alchemists and healers back in the day, Malachite has proven its worth over centuries when it comes to imparting wisdom on the body. It’s a stone known to keep blood pressure on the down low and its calming nature certainly helps this. Malachite also works in harmony with the bones, encouraging quick healing for broken bones, torn muscles, and problems with the joints.

Spring clean your soul and clear out the junk from your mind with the fabulous healing properties of Fluorite. This stone is one of the worlds favorite aura cleansers and loves to clear out those smoky uncertainties so you can make decisions based on truth and clarity. For those who struggle with direction, who tend to hold themselves tethered by worry, and who need a little help in the self-love and confidence department, Fluorite brings fabulous healing properties to your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Along with clarity for the mind, Fluorite also loves bringing purity and clean health to the body. It’s a great stone for those who are wanting to detox as its energy is all about flushing out toxic thoughts, patterns, and behaviors including addictive issues too. Thanks to all its endless clean energy, Fluorite is also known as a great antiviral stone. When turned to at the beginning of viral symptoms, it can be used to help flush the body of infection before things take a turn.