Crystal cleansing

Crystals are known for their ability to absorb and store energy, both positive and negative, which is why it's important to regularly cleanse them. Neglecting to do so can result in a buildup of negative energy that can affect not only the crystal itself but also the surrounding environment.
Regularly cleansing and recharging your stones is the best way to restore your crystal to its natural state.
Are the crystals you get from me cleansed?
Yes, absolutely I regularly cleanse all crystals in my shop about once a week, I do so by smoke cleansing with either incense or sage.
this ensures that that they come to you cleansed and clean ready to go.
Different ways to cleanse your crystals
Smoke cleansing
Smoke cleansing crystals is an effective and non-invasive way to cleanse them of lingering energy. This ancient ritual is used for purifying objects and the space around you. Using a smudge stick of your choice (Palo Santo, Sage, or incense), douse the crystals in smoke.
Just light the tip of the smudge stick and hold your crystals above the smoke plumes so they can receive full exposure. This may be an excellent method to use if your space also needs purifying as smudging will also work to cleanse the environment around you.

Full Moon
The powerful energy of a full moon is great for cleansing crystals. A full moon occurs roughly every 29.5 days so it also acts as a great reminder to cleanse crystals monthly. On the day of the full moon, just before it gets dark, lay all of your crystals outside if possible. Alternatively, they can also be left on a windowsill and can absorb the energy of the full moon just as effectively. Don’t worry if the crystals aren’t directly facing the moon, the energy is so powerful it can be absorbed anyway. Collect your crystals early the next day to avoid them getting damaged by sunlight. Some crystals such as Clear Quartz can crack if left in sunlight for too long. Now the crystals will be cleansed and back to their native properties so they can be used again.

Sound healing allows a single pitch or tone to wash over an area, bringing it into the same vibration as the tone.
This can be accomplished using chanting singing bowls, a tuning fork, or even a nice bell. It doesn’t matter what key the sound is, so long as the sound emitted is loud enough for the vibration to fully encompass the stone.

Selenite cleansing
Selenite is considered the king of crystal cleansers. It is a unique and powerful crystal that works to magnify the natural energy of the stones it works with and purify them. Cleansing with selenite is simple yet highly effective. It can also work with any type of crystal, making it a versatile option for those with porous or metallic-based stones.
Place your crystals near or on top of selenite for at least 24 hours. This will give the selenite enough time to absorb energy from the crystals around it and cleanse itself.

Water is a great natural resource that can be used to cleanse crystals. It is said that water neutralises any negative energy that is stored within the crystals and helps to restore them back to a natural state. Ideally collect the water from a natural source such as the sea, a river, rain or a lake. Although if this is not possible tap water will also work. Put the water into a container and one by one place the crystals in. Allow each crystal to sit in the water for a minimum of a minute.
Please note not all crystals are water safe so make sure to look up if your crystal is water safe or not.

This is a simple technique that can effectively charge and cleanse crystals using Mother Earth. By taking your crystals outside and burying them slightly in the soil, this puts them directly in touch with the Earth’s surface electrons. By grounding crystals, you transfer energy from the precious stones to the ground. The element of Earth is a crucial component in the realm of crystal cleansing. It is the grounding and stabilizing force that helps facilitate growth, whether it be gradual or long-term.​