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Anxiety Tumble kit

1 Amethyst tumble

1 Smokey quartz tumble

1 Rose quartz tumble

1 Fluorite tumble

Please note that every kit looks different as all tumbles are not the same size shape and form 😊


Smokey quartz -

Smoky Quartz is a long deep tonic for your nerves, it settles flittering thoughts that lead to anxiety and instead invites you to sit in calm contemplation and without fear. We all know that fear and anxiety has a direct impact on the body, and Smoky Quartz ensures that those tension headaches are no more and that your sleep is soft and rich and gives your physical cells time to heal. Smoky Quartz

Smokey Quartz is an amazing grounding stone, and a fantastic choice for releasing negative energy from your auric field. This stone is a valuable support for recovery from traumatic events or illness, and the anxiety that can be prevalent after such events. It is used as a cleansing stone.


Rose quartz -A soft and gentle stone known for its shimmering ability to attract love; Rose Quartz has a gloriously positive nature that makes it a wonder. For those who need reminding to amp up the self-love, Rose Quartz will keep you in-tune. Self-care and compassion are very important for everyone during stressful times, and Rose Quartz serves as a reminder of this. It is also a powerful tool for emotional balancing and keeps us centered during tense situations.


Called the “Rainbow Keeper,” Fluorite brings vibrations of peace, bliss, and calm into your life, making it the ultimate chill pill of the mineral kingdom. The formation of Fluorite is what contributes to its powerful properties of relaxation. Made up of common minerals with strong purifying effects like Quartz and Calcite, this multi-colored stone is one of the best for healing and rejuvenating the mind and body. When you meditate with Fluorite, imagine your energy body being filled with an incredible white light that puts you at ease with yourself and the world.


Amethyst is a gentle stone that helps to open and active the third eye chakra, the energy centre associated with your mind. By infusing your head space with peaceful and relaxing energy, this stone works to clear away any chaotic, worried, or anxiety-ridden thoughts. With a clear mind, you can move through any stressful situations with a sense of peace and calm. With its deep purple colour and attractive geode formation, Amethyst has an instantly calming effect on everything around it, whether it is featured in jewellery or as a large cluster placed in a room.

Anxiety Kit

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